The stones are often associated with controlling Eevee's evolution (which is done differently in Pokemon GO), but they have other uses as well. There are a number of different stones and each one has control over different groups of Pokemon. Subsequently, knowing where to find the game's Evolution Stones makes that task much easier.Įvolution Stones are a staple of the Pokemon franchise and can be used to force evolutions from certain Pokemon. Part of the key to filling up the new Sun and Moon Pokedex is evolving Pokemon.

Pokemon Sun and Moon have been out for over a week now and players are hard at work uncovering all of the games secrets and catching every Pokemon available. Here is where players can find or purchase each stone. Reflection Cave (watch the last link for a YouTube video) As for the dawn stone and others you can find them in the inverse battles. Inverse Battle (can also give other stones dependent on your score) 3. Clefairy Safari (5 chance of moon stone) 2. Held item from Porygon in Johto Safari Zone.Pokemon Sun and Moon players can force certain Pokemon evolutions with the help of the game's Evolution Stones. Well I found 3 different ways you can: 1.Token Store for a price of 1,000 Tokens.A reward from the 2015 Occult Day event.A reward from the 2013 Halloween event.Ula’ula Island, Haina Desert, check the stones near an exit: 2.
Evolution Stone List Here is a list of all types of Evolution Stone found in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon. Also, learn where to find each type of Evolution Stone in the game. Icy Rock, Smooth Rock, Heat Rock, Damp Rock are all handed by an NPC at Malie Community Center, Ula’ula City. Jzetasoldier Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon 9 Know all the types of Evolution Stones in USUM by reading our Evolution Stone List. Heres the problem: The kid in Malie Community Center says that he has a dusk stone which he cant use. Not a singular pokemon dedicated wiki has the answer either. Youll need to be riding Tauros and have it smash. The dusk stone from the Flea Market I have scurried the internet for some days now and theres no definitive answer. Fire Stone: This one is located in Diglett Tunnel down the left branch of paths once you enter.
#Pokemon sun moon dusk stone series
Contents 1 In the core series games 1.1 Price 1.2 Effect 1.3 Description 1.4 Acquisition 2 Gallery 2.1 Artwork 2.2 Sprites 3 In spin-off games 3.1 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series 3.1.1 Price 3.1.2 Effect 3.1. A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokmon evolve.

Contents 1 List of Evolutionary Stones 1.1 Water Stone 1.2 Thunder Stone 1.3 Fire Stone 1.4 Leaf Stone 1.5 Moon Stone 1.6 Sun Stone 1.7 Dawn Stone 1. Boosts the power of Steel-type moves by 20% when held. There are currently ten known types of these stones.Wild Magnemite, Magneton, and Steelix drop.Has a 10% chance of causing the target Pokémon to flinch when using a move that deals damage and does not already have a chance to flinch.Fainting or catching a wild Politoed, however catching it does not guarantee the King's Rock.It is available for 4 vouchers at the Prize Corner.Minusoft Event Exchange Item for 15 Disc Fragments.Additionally, the Dragon Scale and Metal Coats are known to be an occasional drop from Pokémon in the Horsea and Magnemite evolution lines, respectively. These items are currently not purchasable from NPC vendors, but they can be purchased on the Token Store, or in the Prize Corner. Do you remember the kid in the Malie City Community Center who was agonizing about selling his Shiny Stone (Ultra Sun) or Dusk Stone (Ultra Moon) Well if. Route 13 - Random drop by Gloom and Murkrow (spawns in night-time only).Route 12 - Random drop by Gloom and Murkrow (spawns in night-time only).Sevii Trainer Tower for 450 Battle Points.Most stones can also be purchased in the PlayerDex Token Store for varying prices depending on the stone. The only evolution stones sold elsewhere are Moon Stones (locations specified below), which currently sell for 10,000 PokéMoney each. Most evolutionary stones can be purchased at the Celadon City Department Store or Goldenrod City Department Store for a price of 2,100 PokéMoney.